Welcome the TOGETHER e-Toolbox
The TOGETHER e-Toolbox is the technological output of the TOGETHER project which aims to create a digital common space dedicated to the promotion, awareness raising and knowledge-sharing on issues related to intercultural dialogue.
Are you ready to discover it?
Now you can surf the 3 internet-based elements of the TOGETHER e-Toolbox:

Our e-learning environment where you will explore the Ambassadors Curriculum! If you have an active role in the production of cultural services or support policy making in your local community, take the 5 modules of the curriculum and be trained on the theory and practices of intercultural dialogue! At the end of the course, you will have acquired useful skills and competences for your role as local actor and why not…? You will be more ready to act as an ambassador of intercultural dialogue!

If you want to know more about the TOGETHER project, its goals, partners, activities and news, all you have to do is to visit the main website. Articles, publications, infographics, quotes are all there, promoting cultural exchange, diversity and the dialogue between people of different backgrounds! This website is nothing less than an open window to anyone who is interested in “embarking on the TOGETHER’s journey”.

Last but not least, you can be always connected through Opigno's Application. Follow the instructions and have a slick and fast browsing experience of the TOGETHER e-Toolbox, in a beautiful and interactive interface through your mobile device.